Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Wall of Beauty

I attend a fitness center called "Tone". It's a workout/gathering place just for women. My friend Kathleen owns and manages Tone and with Fall approaching decided to do a new marketing ad for the local newspaper. The original idea has ballooned into a wonderful project, one that I can participate in as a photographer and one that the women of Tone can be part of.

"Wall of Beauty" will grow into a gallery of photographs of the women who workout at Tone. The ads for the new Fall campaign will come out of the first photos taken, but as we move along with more and more images of the members, the ads will take on a whole new meaning. At least that's what we're hoping for.

Women come in all shapes and sizes and they gather at Tone to workout, socialize, and have healthier, stronger bodies. In honor of this, we are establishing the "Wall" to shine a light on these disciplined, wonderful women who come in and take the time to stay strong. As a culture, women most often feel uncomfortable with their bodies, never seeing the beauty, the individuality. One must be young and lithe and tanned, or we hide under layers of clothing. With the "Wall" everyone in the center will see just what beauty means and remind us that each of us are beautiful in our own right.

Here's the first of hopefully many images of the beautiful and dedicated women of Tone, who work out one day at a time, one moment at a time...

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