Sunday, April 13, 2008

Keegan's Birthday

Keegan is six years old. He is my only grandchild. It was his birthday and I visited for the occasion. The first thing he said to me when I walked in the door was, "I'm six!" He's full of life and every moment is filled with something, some action, some reaction. When I visit, I watch him all the time, as it's an endless discovery of unfolding life.

On this visit, I thought a tent would be a great gift. Everyone could participate, even if it was just backyard camping. So after my little family put it all together, it stood there in all it's glory, just waiting for someone to enjoy it. Keegan was the first!

After dinner and darkness had settled in, we all brought blankets and more blankets to the tent and went about spending the night. I was fortunate enough to have an air mattress and fell asleep looking up at the stars, loving every minute. The usual giggling and threats of foul air filled the tent and I thought this is the best!

About 1:00 am my son, Brian, woke me up as he carried Keegan in the house. While I was sleeping the sleep of the extremely happy, they were freezing to death. Uh-Oh. So much for all those blankets!!

Anyway, it was a great visit. As I flew home, I thought about how much these three people mean to me. Their lives unfold; mine unfolds in a different place. But these little moments, one at a time, are stored up until me meet again.

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